Michelle Desira - Integrative Health Coach

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Reasons why you are struggling to lose weight - Part 2

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This week we are continuing our discussion from last week on why you may find it hard to lose weight as a mum. You can find part 1 here.

You are suffering from exhaustion or burnout

We have been conditioned in society and even in our own minds to put our family first - which yes it is super important to care for them, but at the same time, we have the tendency to forget about ourselves whilst doing so. Mums may be getting broken sleep which can be unavoidable, but then we don't bother to make up for that sleep. We drag ourselves out of bed and reach for the coffee, grab a piece of toast for breakie (empty nutrients) then eat our toddler's leftovers for lunch because we are so tired and ‘busy’ that we can't make ourselves a decent meal! Many of us mums can end up in this cycle for months and even years which eventually leads to burnout. We push and push our body past its limits for a prolonged period of time, ignoring the warning signs which can lead to hormone conditions, chronic inflammation, and a whole host of health conditions that may be the root cause of your weight gain.

You are consuming food additives

Food additives are any artificial ingredients that are added to (processed food) to add more flavour, change the colour, texture and taste of products or preserve the food in order to extend its shelf life. These are not only bad because they are not real ‘food’ but our body cannot recognise or digest them and they have an impact on our gut microbiome (which is connected to our brain) and a burden on our liver. One food additive, in particular, is monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG. MSG is a widely used flavour enhancer and signals the brain that you want more of that food. Have you ever wondered why you can easily get through a large packet of salt and vinegar flavoured chips without being able to stop until they are all gone, but go to eat some raw almonds and you feel content after just a handful? This is the msg in the chips causing the addictive behaviour. This is how companies get consumers to eat more of their products - and contributing to the obesity epidemic.

Too many changes too quickly

It takes time to build a new habit, and making changes to your health and lifestyle is a long term process. Diets are just quick fixes and do not work in the long term. We cannot make 20 changes to our diet overnight. It is not sustainable and will end up back at square one. 1 or 2 small changes over the long term are more achievable and permanent with long-lasting results.

Your meals are unbalanced

Each meal that you eat should contain a balance of - protein, complex carbohydrates and vegetables/fruit with a small number of healthy fats. A lot of mums are afraid to eat carbs as we have been told by society and the media that carbs make you fat. But the good types of carbs (complex carbs) are needed for energy production. If we don't get enough complex carbs through the day, then we can feel that afternoon slump towards the end of the day causing us to reach for caffeine or sugar or late night snacking on undesirable foods which can lead to weight gain. A balanced plate looks like a quarter of the plate filled with protein (either animal protein or plant-based) a quarter of the plate with complex carbs such as brown rice, sweet potatoes or quinoa and half the plate with veggies. A small serving of healthy fats should also be included such as olive oil, avocado, grass fed butter or ghee or a sprinkle of nuts and seeds. Having a balanced plate will keep your energy levels up and your body well nourished.

Of course, this ideal plate is to be used as a guide - each woman is different, and may take a bit of trial and error to see what style of eating works for you.

If you are after support with your weight loss journey - book a FREE call with me to find out how I can help you

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