Balance your hormones by making healthier lifestyle choices

Nutrition is so important for balancing our hormones, as the saying goes - you are what you eat! However, as an Integrative Health Coach (learn more here*), I believe that our primary foods which are the foods that feed us off the plate or the areas that make up our lifestyle are equally important to healing the body. As I tell my clients, you can eat all the kale in the world - but if you are unhappy in your relationship or you don't enjoy your job, then you will find it very difficult to be ‘healthy’ To balance our hormones we need both good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. Discover your own balance and what your body needs and you will find that you will start to feel more energised and vibrant.

First of all, what are some symptoms you may experience if your hormones are out of balance?

Exhaustion - you think you are sleeping enough but you are yawning at 10 am

Acne - mainly around the chin or jawline

Low libido - low or no desire for sex

PMS symptoms a few days before your period such as bloating, irritability, cravings, tender breasts, digestive upsets such as constipation or diarrhea, increased anxiety, skin breakouts and brain fog.

Weight gain - around the midsection

Negative feelings - including feelings of depression or shame for no apparent reason

So if you may have one or more of these symptoms, here are some things to do to help bring your body back to balance

Movement - aim for 30 minutes of movement every day. If this is not manageable, start just 2-3 times per week or 10 minutes per day and gradually build up to it. Movement does not need to be sweating it out at the gym, as long as you are moving your body. This can include walking, hiking, running, yoga, pilates, gardening or swimming.

Sleep- try going to bed half an hour earlier if you are feeling exhausted. Listen to your body, if you start to yawn, feel irritable or feel like eating late at night when you are not actually hungry,  you may need extra sleep. Aim for 8 hours of quality sleep per night.

Balance your nervous system. If you find you are in a constant ‘fight or flight state (aka as your sympathetic nervous system) try some exercises to put the body into the parasympathetic state. Exercises include mediation, breathing exercises and laughing at a funny movie.

Sunlight - regulates our circadian rhythm to improve sleep. Try to get outside as soon as you wake up or when the sun comes out. It will tell our body that it is the day. Try to avoid blue lights after the sun has gone down. This will help our body to wind down for sleep. Sunlight is also important for our body to obtain enough vitamin D, which is needed to maintain proper estrogen levels.

Power of community - having a supporting tribe of people around you is soo important for hormone health. If we feel isolated, then we are more likely to overeat, feel down and lack feelings of love and connection.

Self care - take part in an activity that you love to do for yourself. A great starting point is 1 hour of uninterrupted ‘me time’ per week. Book a manicure, massage or browse Kmart alone!

What can you implement this week? 

Would you like a copy of my FREE ebook hormone recipes your body will love? Get your copy here.

And if you feel like you could do with some extra support, I offer 1 on 1 coaching for those needing help with working towards their goals and having that accountability to follow through. If this seems like something you need, contact me for a FREE 15 minute discovery call to see if it is right for you.

*I am proud to be an IIN ambassador. If you are interested in learning nutrition and becoming a health coach you can learn more through the link provided.

Michelle Desira

Hi! I’m Michelle!

I’m a wife and mum of 5 and I love helping other mums increase energy, reduce stress and lose weight to feel their best each day.

As an Integrative Health Coach, I work with women by helping them to make small yet sustainable changes for long-term results.

Want some free recipes that your hormones will love?

Download the ebook here

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