Michelle Desira - Integrative Health Coach

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Are you ready for winter?

Winter is fast approaching, for some of us, it means snuggling up in front of an open fire with a warm cup of hot chocolate! For others, it means repeat sore throats, coughs and runny noses.

But there are things we can do to strengthen our immune system that doesn’t require taking multiple supplements and to prevent needing to take harmful medications.

Eat the rainbow

Eating a wholefoods diet full of colour will ensure you are getting plenty of vitamins and minerals especially vitamin c, d and zinc important for healthy immune function. Foods high in vitamin c include capsicum, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, mango and berries. Eggs and grass fed butter are a great source of vitamin D and to get lots of zinc - eat plenty of oysters, pepitas and leafy greens.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

vitamin D from the sun

The easiest way for our body to absorb it is from the sun. Try to get at least 15-20 minutes per day of sun on your skin during winter.

Gut Healing Chicken Broth

Drink plenty of chicken broth - learn more about the benefits of chicken broth here. I drink 1 cup daily for gut healing and immunity boosting. I also keep a few jars of broth in my freezer just in case someone falls ill. It is always a good idea to have some broth on hand as broth is a healing food.

Quality Sleep

And getting enough sleep is a must for protecting ourselves against getting ill. Ensure you are getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. When we sleep, that is when our body repairs and heals. Without enough sleep, we can get run down and our body cannot perform effectively, hence being more susceptible to getting sick.

Would you like some one on one assistant to strentghtening your immune system? Find out more about my 12 week signature program which is tailored to YOU!