Michelle Desira - Integrative Health Coach

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Best types of exercise for exhausted mums

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A couple of years ago, I was an exhausted mum. My youngest of 5 was only 2 years old, so running around after a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old while the other 3 kids were at school kept me busy. I was depleted of many nutrients, I was super stressed and my adrenals were overworked. And even though I was eating fairly well, I definitely was not getting enough sleep.

But I knew the importance of exercise and that maybe if I included more exercise in my week, then it would increase my fitness and give me more energy. So I hired a PT twice a week and went to Bootcamp once a week for strength training for about a year. I also would take a walk around the block a couple of times a week with my husband in an attempt to ‘get more energy’ 

But it really did the opposite. After the session with my PT, I was buggered! The rest of the day would be a struggle and all I wanted to do was sleep. The sessions did not give me more energy and make me feel good like exercise should - it did quite the opposite. 

Now looking back 2 years on, my body was so burnt out and fatigued, and that strength training reality wasn't the best type of exercise for me at the time. I needed to give my body more time to rest and heal after having so many babies.

In saying this, moving your body is important for everyone, you just need to find the type of exercise that is right for you based on your health and fitness levels. 

So what types of exercise would I recommend for exhausted mums? Here are some of my favourites


The easiest form of exercise (and the cheapest!) Walking has so many health benefits and is suitable for all fitness levels. Try going for a walk outside for half an hour. You can easily pop your baby or toddler in the pram and it will get you both outside in nature. Being outside will increase your vitamin D levels and regulate your circadian rhythm, resulting in a better night's sleep for both of you. 


Yoga is a very restorative form of exercise that is beneficial for both your physical health and mental health. If you are in that postnatal stage, you may be able to find a postnatal yoga class where you can take bubs with you. These classes are usually aimed at healing the body and helping to rebalance hormones.

Yoga is also beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety which can be an issue for exhausted mums with children of any age (including 11 year old girls!)

If you are finding it difficult to get to a class. There are some great videos online or thanks to the pandemic, some yoga studios offer online classes where you can join in over Zoom


Pilates is another low-intensity exercise that focuses mainly on core strength. Pilates also helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and gets you in touch with your body through slow controlled movements. Pilates will also assist with recovery and healing the body. As with yoga, if you cannot get to a class, there are the online class options


Swimming is a fantastic exercise activity for mums if you can get yourself to a pool or be lucky enough to have your own. Swimming is great for cardiovascular fitness and strengthening muscles without putting any pressure on your body. Gliding through the water can also be very soothing, therefore reducing stress and feeling a sense of ‘calm’ 

So if you are constantly tired, but would like to include some movement into your daily routine, try one of the examples just given above. Exercise can actually give us more energy - but only if we choose the right style

And if you are a tired mum who is feeling overwhelmed, then download my free checklist on tips and hacks for when you are feeling overwhelmed as a mum